Was it for me, for me alone,
The Saviour left His glorious throne,
The dazzling splendors of the sky?
Was it for me He came to die?
It was for me, yes, all for me,
O love of God, so great, so free,
O wondrous love, I'll shout and sing,
He died for me, my Lord and King!
Was it for me, sweet angel strains
Came floating o'er Judea's plains
That starlit night so long ago?
Was it for me God planned it so?
Was it for me the Saviour said:
"Pillow thy weary, aching head
Trustingly on thy Saviour's breast"?
Was it for me? Can I thus rest?
Was it for me He wept and prayed,
My load of sin before Him laid,
That night within Gethsemane?
Was it for me, that agony?
Was it for me He bowed His head
Upon the cross and freely shed
His precious blood, that crimson tide?
Was it for me the Saviour died?
can't some people ask less questions?
i would rather they din say anyth than try to make conversation
if what comes out is jus simply stupid questions to ridicule me
i have a clear conscience so i am not afraid of what u ask
*rolls eyes*
ur make me feel glad that i am graduating
am weird recently
looking at the working adults' attire
thinking how to be a chic career woman
so lame
wondering whether to be a corporate volunteer for YOG
since Deloitte is asking us to volunteer as it's the corporate sponsor
u actually can get paid special leave for the rehearsals u attend
anw i SU-ed my CS100
though super bu she de
cox i did alright for mid terms
but guess it'll be better
will be less stressed for exams
can focus on the final 2 killer cores!
really wan to end my NTU life with a big bang by giving my best shot for this final sem exams and doing well
i really feel that i have been slacking my entire 3 years
but then again
the heart is willing
but the flesh is weak
i cant get the motivation to study!
i keep giving myself excuses then watch variety shows n tv, eating lotsa snacks and slping!
last sunday was copa gospel meeting
where my cep group was in charge of the song item
and the speaker brother john spoke about the good samaritian
gained a whole new perspective about the story
the Jew that was beaten and stripped and left lying by the road could be u or me!
and the good Samaritian can be christ
he offers us love
but it's up to us to receive it
many people have prejudices against christ like how Jews has prejudices against Samaritians
But why do we reject his love when it's so freely given to us?
To all: i wish for you, beloved, that you will take the step of faith and accept him
his love, his mercy, his grace, his sacrifice on the cross for us
Luke 10:30-37 Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he traveled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, ‘Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.’ Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?" He said, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
For the believers,
we are told to be like the Samaritian
to show mercy to others
and share what we have, to share this love that we have already received and know about
the reason why people do not know how to love completely
is because they have never known him and received his love
He says:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.
Love your neighbour as yourself.
wana blog my feelings down before i forget
and also to make it last
omg audd it's my last event in hall 15!
and my fav so far i tink
other than midautumn which i totally felt the warmth emitting from the laterns and around me
though still disappointed that we din perform in the end
but yet i still enjoyed the event loads
other than we din get to eat the food!!
but the ice kacang was nice!
the games were simple but thrilling to get more stamps to win bigggg prizes
the prizes were really good!
all specially bought with the hall ppl in mind
i tink the social peeps did a good job in choosing them
love the interactiveness of the whole event
like everyone was actively doing sth
be it playing games, watching performances, dunking ppl, eating the food, taking goodie bags
yupz jus gonna keep this memory in my heart
to rmb that i ended my hall events with a bang!
if only we had this event every year
but then i am happy with my truckload of goodie bags, my medium gift which is the doggy~ that i earned by playing the games by MYSELF! hahas never really won this kind of funfair games before
:) biggg grins!
loves, hiL!
i suddenly feel like saying that
to myself
to the boyfriend who is busy with projects and quizzes
to my jin huas! lotsa luck for all the interviews to come and dun give up! i am sure ur will find what ur love to do,
sometimes i envy ur cox i feel ur have choice than i do
to anyone who has a busy busy week ahead, fight on!
i like to think that i have grown up since year one
recently i looked back at what i have done
and i wondered why i did certain things
and i felt very 傻
and sometimes i look at the freshies now
i feel as if i am no longer at that stage of life
i have moved on
and i am glad for it
this may sound really bhb
but i am really very happy abt this
i got full marks for my 306 quiz! woohoo!
i studied very hard for it during the recess week
i spent my entire recess week studying for 306 and 304 quizzes
was like having A levels all over agn
although the quiz is like only 10 mcq and not very difficult
but i still feel happy! cox it's on consolidation which i totally dread
but now 306 is getting worse
derivatives really make me confused
sudd consolidation seems better
someone once asked me what is the meaning of close
what is the defination of close friends
now i ask myself the same question
and i realised i no longer know the answer
everything seems like a facade at times
i no longer believe in what i used to believed in
maybe i was jus living in denial
if we were close
how come i never know what u are thinking
how come i never know what is going on in ur lives
how come i never feel that we are able to speak with our hearts
how come i never feel i know the real u
will friends grow apart while trying to grow on their own?
does distance and time apart determine how close a friend should be?
i try so hard but in the end i dun feel i gained anything
maybe it was just the momentary happiness
that i try to hold on so tightly
to forget how it feels like to be alone
to try to belong
yet somehow still feel lonely in the end
i wished so hard that deep inside of us
we share a bond so close
that it will never fade away with time
but how come even now i feel the distance
the imaginary wall inside of us
that i chose to ignore for so long
i hold onto my memories so tightly
yet i am afraid i am jus holding onto empty dreams and hopes
that will vanish if i do not lie to myself any longer
have u already forgotten about the memories we shared?
the littlest things that people u love do can make ur day so easily
yet the littlest things they do can also make u doubt urself and wonder why
i feel like a mushroom head
my hair looks like one anw
always have lotsa grouses aft having a haircut
yet i still love having haircuts
cox it makes me feel different!
i wan keep looking different, somehow it makes me feel not so dull
i feel cooped up recently
feel as if i have not been meeting old friends for a while
feeling out of everyone's lives
am like almost in my room 24/7
like living in some cage liddat
starting to really cherish the time in sch
trying to find pleasure in the little things
like taking the shuttle bus
having meals with friends
having little chats at night
i think i will miss sch
but then i really really wan to grad
cox i am excited abt wat the future will bring
guess i am feeling mixed feelings!
starting to enjoy church more
trying to open up more
though still feel abit weird sometimes
really super duper stressed!!
got 2 quizzes tml!!
ahhh my 304 n 306!
received my contract yest
i got into gloabl financial services sector! which means i will get to audit banks, insurance and finance-related companies
kinda apprehensive but yet excited
anw my work commencement date is 23rd aug!
which also means i get to slack for almost 4 months aft sch ends
this week is gonna be hectic
help me to get thru this week yea?
and my church cep group is putting song items for copa gospel meeting at the end of the month
hahas so we had song practice today
kinda weird to sing in front of them
but it's qt fun i guess
what a boring recess week!
i seldom have mid terms so i always could not unstd others' agony abt studying for mid terms
now i totally feel it!!
so stressed!
and so reluctant to study cox it's supposed to be a week holiday isnt it?
quite happy gonna meet muffins tml
cox i feel as if i haven seen them for ages
not used to being away from hall sudd
san dou jin hua all busy with stuff
them with fyp and me with my dumb dumb mid terms
last sem alr
still so busy
contemplating whether to SU CS100
omg i feel like sucha ugly duckling beside my sis
anw she's ROMed! :)
took this long paragraph from wei's blog
but it's so apt that i feel so much for it too
when you are able to put a situation into words, verbalise it,
you will realise that it doesn't seem as daunting anymore
that it is really possible for things to work out and problems to become resolved.
maybe, it has to do with the straightening of thoughts, where you are forced to put every detail into perspective and you start seeing the links between events
maybe, it is the strength that you receive from the people you share with, the advice they offer, the comfort they provide simply by showing concern.
i guess i should learn to stop keeping everything to myself. i always thought that i practically open up my whole self to people around, yet subconsciously deep within there is still this side which i lack the courage to share, which i try to conceal and brush aside.
i've always stupidly thought that if people were really sensitive and concerned enough, they will sense something and ask, so i wait for them to ask, and then i say.
but i realised, that's not how it should be.
people may not ask, but that does not mean that they are oblivious to what you're going through. they may sense the hurt, feel the need, and are in fact waiting for you to be ready to share it with them.
and when you start sharing with your loved ones, and more importantly when you lift it up to God, you will start to see your faith being strengthened.
because God put all these people around us, to edify one another
thanks for blogging this
because it encourages me
i always believed that when u are upset, people will automatically feels it and be concerned abt it to ask and care for you
but it is somewhat difficult for people ard u to do that because unless u tell, no one will be able to know what's going on with u
because everyone is caught up with so much going ard them
that sometimes we all fail to realise that one of us is feeling down
so it's alright to share with others whenever u need someone
rather than waiting for them to come to u instead
u might end up being disappointed
but in reality they still care
If I turn back time...
|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|July 2006|August 2006|September 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|June 2007|July 2007|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|December 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012